Part 1: Episode 1
That's right, folks. Resident Evil 4, the action game of the year of 2005 and the last noteworthy title to be released for the Gamecube since Twilight Princess. Also ported to the Playstation 2 as well as a PC release - at somepoint possibly or maybe not. But how could a balls to the walls action fest make for a good Let's Play thread, you ask? Simple. Its plot was batshit B-Movie campy. Chainsaw wielding doctors wearing potato sacks on their head, cave trolls in S&M gear, girls with monstrous ears, a sexually repressed homicidal maniac hero, midgets; Resident Evil 4 had it all. Now, let us begin our journey into survival horror...I know there's a pandemic of Let's Play threads of late, but I'll try to keep things interesting for old and new players as well as try to include all the interesting content possible.
Leon S. Kennedy of Resident Evil 2 fame and the protagonist of our tale narrates a brief summary of the events since his last adventure. As shown:
That's right, the evil Umbrella Corporation, which no less than a half dozen different characters from assorted sequels have vowed to destroy, was ultimately defeated by...politics and the stock market... Such is the woeful world of economics and the bubble bursting of the Biological Organic Weapon market.
As for what else you need to be brought up to date? Well, a few characters will pop-up shortly and we'll get to that in due time. Beyond that, not a damn thing. The game has very little to do with the rest of the series and throws continuity and just about all plot points earlier to the wind. The last we saw on Leon, aside from a few brief namedrops in a few games (and pretending Resident Evil Gaiden doesn't exist), was the epilogue of Resident Evil 3 for him:
I think that about covers it. Shoot me any questions you have with the series and I'll answer. Now, let's begin...
Episode I: 4 Resident Evil
The introduction, once more, just in case you glazed over the above write-up. I know your type:
We're set in 2004 in case you suck at math. Late in the year, seeing as we have a new President with a dipshit daughter getting kidnapped.
Meanwhile, Leon and his entourage of Redshirts stop so Cop Dos can relieve himself.
Cop Dos zips up and reaffirms himself that it's clearly the cold to blame for certain plumbing issues. A noise alerts him. He snaps into action...or gawks about slackjawed for a few seconds.
"Sing it!"
Our band of adventurers come to a stop across a bridge near a house on the outskirts of town.
"Oh, si." *rolls window back up*
Leon gets a call on the Codec.
Alright, I'll stop.
This is going to be one of those days...